We produce digital fashion collections to create fashion content for social media & amplify brand's awareness saving physical resources.


digital replicas

Take your physical productions into the Digital World.

We create digital replicas of your physical products from patterns and photographs of your garments.

digital only fashion

Add a digital only imaginery to your brand.

We design digital only garments from scratch from a creative brief based on a given concept.


product content

From 360 videos to virtual runways.

We produce 3D content to show the brand's products on E-commerce & Social Media.

creative content

The only physical on our scenes are the models.

We create content that takes fashion into a reality only possible in the digital realm, without real world limitations.



Buying fashion to wear it on pictures is present.

We upload your collection into DRESSX Marketplace, so that your clients can start buying the digital version of your designs to wear them on social media / editorial content.

AR wearables

Augmented Reality filters democratize the way we explore our identity.

We integrate your designs into SnapLens for your customer to wear it in AR using SnapChat or DRESSX App.